Editorial Board

The Journal of Computer Science and Technology Application (CORISINTA) proudly unites a diverse and dynamic editorial team from six different countries: Egypt, Indonesia, India, Mauritius, Palestine, and Taiwan. This global collaboration embodies the spirit of innovation and excellence, bringing together unique perspectives and expertise to advance the frontiers of computer science and technology.

Dr. Ir. Djoko Soetarno, DEA
Editor in Chief
Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia, Indonesia
Scopus ID: 57200210982

Regional Editor:
Prof. Dr. Ankur Singh Bist, B.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D
Visionary Director, Initial Investor
Graphic Era Hill University - Bhimtal Campus,
Uttarakhand, India
Scopus ID: 56127087200
Prof. Dr. Shih Chih Chen, Ph.D
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Scopus ID: 25823682000
Dr. Ahmed A. Elngar
Regional (Member) Editor for Midle East and Africa
Beni-Suef University, Egypt
Scopus ID: 56711256800 

Zuheir N. Khlaif
An-Najah National University, Palestine
Scopus ID: 36682701800
Dr. Sameerchand Pudaruth
University of Mauritius, Mauritius
Scopus ID: 24830685600