E-Commerce Growth Plan for MSMEs’ Sustainable Development Enhancement


  • Ninda Lutfiani University of Raharja Author
  • Andrei Ivanov Ijiis Incorporation Author
  • Nuke Puji Lestari Santoso University of Raharja Author
  • Sondang Visiana Sihotang University of Raharja Author
  • Suryari Purnama Esa Unggul University Author


E-commerce, Information Technology, Digital Economy, MSMEs, Sustainable Development


The economy is one of the many facets of life that have entered the digital sphere due to the swift advancement of information technology. E-commerce is a prime example of this digital shift; it is the distribution, sale, purchase, and marketing of products (goods and services) through the Internet. Information technology's global reach has increased domestic and international business competition. Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are a vital component of Indonesia's economic growth and have been growing yearly. Due to the pandemic's severe effects on the Indonesian and global economies, creative solutions to financial problems are urgently needed. To support Indonesia's economic recovery and achieve sustainable development, one such solution is the creation of e-commerce strategies for MSMEs. Using both qualitative and quantitative SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis techniques, this study aims to identify E-commerce development strategies to support MSMEs. The report highlights the current status of e-commerce development. It offers strategies to strengthen MSMEs while considering their advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and threats. MSMEs can experience significant growth and contribute to the sustainable development of the nation by embracing e-commerce.


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How to Cite

E-Commerce Growth Plan for MSMEs’ Sustainable Development Enhancement. (2024). Journal of Computer Science and Technology Application, 1(1), 80-86. https://journal.corisinta.org/corisinta/article/view/24